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Cloud Computing: Next BIG revolution in IT (Can Avatar become reality?)

After Web 2.0, cloud computing is the latest buzz word in the industry. I remember IBM started started implementing first Grid computing architecture just a few years back and not its turning into widely accepted reality. Now we can say by and large that cloud is evolved from grid computing to fairly matured model. Amazon has become pioneer by launching their AWS suite. Still this idea has a long way to go...

Actually this is going to be debating topic if "grid computing" in cloud or cloud in "grid computing". ...each cloud can be made up of grids and all clouds can be in turn connected in outer grid! I think it really depends on how one visualized the things. But clearly the bottom line is to leverage the power of computing so that now instead of focusing more on building faster chips, industry can shift the focus on building efficient cloud and faster connectivity. I am sure roughly 50% of the machines of the world (probably more after considering huge redundancy in clustered environment) would be sitting idle considering overall industry servers as well as personal desktops. Going a bit deeper, the average load factor of machine would be even lesser than 50%. (I don't know if someone has spent time on this survey but would update the numbers if I found the one on net.) Wouldn't that be big success if all the machines would attain to their nearly 100% load factor? Biotech (esp. genetics) world would be the happiest who still needs more and more CPU power for analysis.

So considering these facts, it seems obvious to me that Cloud Computing is going to be the next BIG thing and it will not only impact IT but in general to each human and their lifestyle. Who knows in future with combination of RFID and Cloud, the whole earth will become one giant network just like the whole hair/ponytail concept that linked Na'vi with creatures of Pandora in Cameron's Avatar!


  1. There is a a nice article by Judith M. Myerson on cloud computing versus grid computing on


  2. Cloud servers are not only fashionable now to be used, it is also the safest and most reliable way to store corporate and personal data.
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